Bob Horo, S.H., M.H.
Bob Horo SH., MH., CLA.
Bachelor Degree of Law in Diponegoro University (Private Law)
Master Degree of Law in Diponegoro University
Certified Legal Auditor Jimly School of law and Government
He’s the one of the founder of Bob Horo & Partners (BHP). He has strong passion on legal corporate and international law. He is a graduate from Master of Law and Bachelor degree in Diponegoro University with cum laude. As the law student, he has a passion with national mooting and litigation. Based on his passion and dream, he has a big ambition for owing his law firm as legal practitioner. Bob’s wide-ranging experience as a regulator, a legal drafter and an expert in corporate-related matter. Today, he’s a leading lawyer and conceiver in BHP as the head of Private Law Divion, and Corporate Matters Right Division. In addition, Bob also regular academician, he regularly held trainings and seminars in several university.